Thanks Dave for your invitation to write something for the site. As somebody completely new to blogging I know that I’m following in the footsteps of some real veterans who’ve already contributed their views.
I’ve got to admit that I was a reluctant new member of the blogosphere, although I have to confess that during the coalition negotiations two years ago, looking at blogs was required reading.
I was also sceptical of anonymous comments on blogs. To me, they represent the sort of people who used to run up behind others in the playground, hit them and run away Sure enough, I’ve had them already on the blog, including one who thought the deaths of millions in the War as “hilarious” apparently.
Still, the big question for me is how to blog properly. The blogosphere isn’t always the place for in-depth analysis of the great questions of the day but what is useful is getting ideas out there and to explain what you’re actually doing as a politician. Over the years I’ve dipped into the blogs of Glyn Davies and Peter Black, because much of what they say is worth a read.
What should a blog be though? Well for me it’s a chance to offer a view on different topics from within and without Wales. Anyone looking for juicy gossip from the Cabinet or Welsh Labour Party will be disappointed though. You’ll have to look elsewhere for that.
I’ll also be talking about the things people mention locally in Bridgend so don’t be surprised if I mention Bridgend’s relegation to Division One West or a win by the Celtic Crusaders (when it happens). After all, there’s nothing more boring for the public than a politician who can’t talk about anything other than politics. There’ll also be discussion on the economic and social issues in Bridgend. It would have been useful last year to have been blogging when we went through the “Internet death cult” period last year courtesy of Fleet Street’s finest and their description of Bridgend as a “depressed former mining village by the sea”. Still, I suppose even that’s accurate compared to Facebook’s insistence that Bridgend, as well as the rest on Wales, is in England!
So as a new blogger I’m still learning how to get a blog right. I’m also learning new terminology. Having been already been accused of astroturfing I think it would probably help to find out what the hell that means.
One thing I can guarantee though-there’ll be no anonymous comments from me.
(Written by Carwyn Jones, Assembly Member for Bridgend and author of a new blog)
This is the ninth in a series of posts giving a chance for Welsh bloggers and othersto have their say on the state of the blogosphere and where it's going. If you're interested in contributing place feel free to contact me at
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