Just a quick post to publicise a new blog/news site that has been launched in Wales. The creators of waleshome.org have done a cracking job with their project, the quality of the articles and the clean and professional site design instantly mark this out as contender.
The assembled writers are also quite impressive, Duncan Higgitt is a former news editor for the Western Mail, Adam Higgitt is the author of the excellent welshpoliticalhistory.com, Daran Hill is the brains behind Positif Politics and there are other equally impressive contributors as well.
I've already linked to the site in my regular 'Posts Of Note' feature at the Cynical Dragon and I'm sure I'll be doing it again. The current top story, an interview with Plaid Cymru's PPC Islwyn Steffan Lewis is very interesting and something I hope they'll continue doing.
(Crossposted at the Cynical Dragon)
Can Starmer halt the rise of Reform?
14 hours ago
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